Boise Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

workers comp form

We Are On Your Side

We are experienced workers’ compensation attorneys ready to fight for you! We have successfully represented workers in hundreds of cases. We have experience working inside insurance companies and know how they work.

Your employer has an insurance company with claims adjusters and lawyers who will work to prevent you from getting benefits. You need someone on your side too. Your employer’s insurance company will attempt to manipulate your claim to minimize the amount it pays you. Early attorney involvement will help you prevent this abuse.

Contact us immediately if the insurance company:

  1. Sends you to a doctor of their choice;
  2. Refuses to provide medical care which you need;
  3. Assigns their nurse care manager to “help” you; or
  4. A doctor tells you that you are about finished with your medical treatment.

Your Rights to Workers’ Compensation Benefits

You are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits if you are injured while working or if you have become ill because of something related to your employment. Contact us if you have questions about the type of problems that qualify for benefits. Your employer is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance.

The Four Categories of Workers’ Compensation Benefits:

1. Medical benefits

All medical care is covered by workers’ compensation, provided that the treatment is for a work-related condition. Payments should be made promptly. Contact us if your bills are not being paid.

2. Partial income replacement benefits

You are entitled to receive income replacement benefits during the time that you cannot work because you are recovering from your medical problems. The rate is calculated based on a formula adopted by the Idaho Legislature. Usually, checks are issued every two weeks. Contact us and we can verify if you are receiving the correct rate of compensation.

3. Physical impairment benefits

Impairment benefits are paid based upon the permanent losses which you sustain because of your work-related condition. Impairment ratings should be given by your doctor only after you have reached your maximum medical improvement. Until then, you are entitled to receive medical care to maximize your recovery and minimize the impact your condition has on you.

4. Benefits for loss of earning capacity

Disability benefits are paid to compensate you for the impact your physical problems have on your ability to obtain and perform work. The benefits are based upon the earnings loss caused by your work-related injuries. You will need a lawyer to get the full value of your claim.

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