Learn Your Liens | Idaho – featuring Wyatt Johnson

No matter where you live, learning your local liens laws is essential when working in construction. One of the most significant issues we see on the legal side is folks losing out on their pay. Karalynn, the host of the Quit Getting Screwed podcast, brings in the best and brightest construction law professionals from each state to discuss the details of lien laws across the country. Karalynn invited Idaho lien specialist and construction attorney Wyatt Johnson of Johnson May. Wyatt’s years of experience practicing Idaho construction law, especially in collections, have equipped him with the skills needed to make ID’s lien laws as easily understood as possible.
Together with Karalynn, Wyatt breaks down the rules and regulations of filing an acceptable lien in Idaho. There are some especially important details when it comes to sending the notice that he covers with great clarity. This episode is a thorough breakdown of all Idaho contractors need to know to protect their pay. If you like to learn and want to ensure you have all the tools needed to get paid what you are owed for your hard work, this episode is a winner. Listen in, Idaho construction workers!
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